The Berlin Declaration
The war on terrorism does not work. Every week, there are new reports of bombings and hostage-taking in different parts of the world - Moscow, Bali, Mombassa... . The war on terrorism cannot work. It cannot work because terrorism is a crime, the expression of a new type of global privatised violence. The word 'war' dignifies the terrorist as an 'enemy' instead of a criminal. It polarises the world between 'us' and 'them', which is just what the terrorists want. It inflicts further violence on innocent people and nurtures feelings of hate and revenge that lead to terrorism. We are on the verge of an escalating process of world-wide violence, something akin to the Israel-Palestine conflict on a global scale. This impending cycle of destruction might include the possibility of the use of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, further genocidal crimes, unpredictable acts of terrorism, not to mention more US 'pre-emptive strikes', which will turn out to be counter-productive strikes. There is no such thing as a just war in our interdependent globalised world. But we need legitimate force to contain privatised violence. So there is still a role for military forces, to enforce international law and to protect people, to do what the police ought to do and cannot. We call on governments, parliaments, NGO`s, responsible scientists and media, artists, universities, spiritual communities and citizens to oppose war and unilateralism and to mobilise in favour of an alternative strategy for combating terrorism. This strategy has to be multilateralist and co-operative and must aim at the construction of a global legal order. It should include:

The promotion of human values and norms that should underpin international law. Human rights must be applied in a non-selective way, in Iraq as well as in Saudi-Arabia or Iran, in Chechnya and in Russia, n Pakistan as well as in Afghanistan. Human rights watch and women rights are necessary in many countries and in all areas of conflict. There needs to be an authentic dialogue among those who favour democracy so as to find sustainable solutions to the "black holes" of the world, which breed terrorism - Congo, Sudan, Kashmir, Chechnya to name some of the most important. The establishment of mechanisms to enforce international law. This International Criminal Court should be established as soon as possible with no exemptions. Human security forces at a European or a global level need to be established especially designed to protect civilians in conflicts and to capture those who commit crimes against them. An increase in resources at a global level to finance a global legal order - to fund the global public goods, like eliminating poverty or tackling the environment as well as global legal and policing institutions, needed to extend a global rule of law.

We do not claim that this strategy can eliminate terrorism. The most, perhaps, that can be done is to contain terrorism, to prevent its spread and escalation. But we do believe that we can no longer preserve democracy and the rule of law only in one part of the world. War will destroy those values that we consider precious. The only hope we have is through the application of those values throughout the world. This is a task for every individual as well as government.

from nobel prize winner for literature Günter Grass to european politicians ,activist-networks and academics from Europe, USA, Russia, Israel and Palestine, Africa, Asia, Latin-America: Prof. Ulrich Albrecht, Berlin, Germany; Franz Alt, Television-Journalist, Baden-Baden, Germany; Dr. Zorissa Anisiruva, Interhealth, Moscow, Russia; Colin Archer, International Peace Bureau, Geneva, Switzerland; Sally Beaumont, Ecumenical European Christian Women, Scotland; Prof. Norman Birnbaum, Washington D.C. USA; Prof. Amsar Baral, social science ,Cornell -university ,USA; Victor de la Barrera -Naumann, Int peace-bureau, France-Spain; Hanne and Bill Beitel, International Fellowship of Reconciliation, Berlin, Germany; Dr.Hartwig Berger ,former member of Berlin-city council ; Claus Biegert ,writer ,nuclear -free -future award ,Munich ,Germany; Hans Branscheidt ,medico international ,Frankfurt ; Hiltrud Breyer ,MEP ,Saarbruecken-Brussels ;David Mc Bride, German-American peace association, Berlin, Germany; Irmgard Busemann , women in black, Hamburg ; Ken Coates, former MEP, Bertrand Russel Foundation , England ; David Cortright , Fourthfreedom , USA; Marian Douglas, writer, Kenya; Sandra Carruba, ecologists, Erie County, USA; Erhard Eppler, former minister of economic cooperation, Germany; Elisabeth Erlandsson , women for peace, Switzerland; Jochen Esser, Berlin -ctiy council ; Lothar Evers , association for the counselling of victims of the Nazi -regime ,Cologne ; Mient Jan Faber, Interchurch Peace Council, The Hague, Holland; Ulrich Falkenhagen, protestant student communities, Germany ; Benjamin S.Ferencz, International lawyers for the ICC, New York, USA; Prof. Hajo Funke, political science, Free University ;Berlin, Germany; Bruce Gagnon, global network space4peace, Florida, USA; Anne Goeke, earth first and women in black, USA ; Ute and Günter Grass , writer , Lübeck, Germany ;Prof. Mary Grey, theologian,University of Wales,England ; Solange Fernex, International women's league for peace and freedom, France; Eva Fjostol, wilfp, Bergen, Norway; Maria Goldhorn ,apple-tree-institute ,Germany ;Prof. Dr. Peter Glotz, St. Gallen -University, Switzerland; Gerd Greune, IFIAS, Brussels, Belgium; Pekka Haavisto, former minister, Finland; Frederik Heffermehl, Norwegian Peace Association, Oslo, Norway; Prof. Hartmut von Hentig, Bielefeld -Berlin ; Ralf Henze ,basic-green network ,Germany; Phill Hill, Journalist, Berlin-Seoul; Gerold Hildebrandt and Peter Rösch , Jürgen Fuchs-circle, Berlin; Luke Holland , writer ,channel-4 prize-winner ,England ;Dorothee Hock writer, Rome; Burkhart Homeyer, International council for the children of Chernobyl, Germany; Prof..Klaus Hüfner, Unesco -commission , Bonn-Berlin ; IALANA and IPB, Florence. Italy; Prof. Mary Kaldor, London, England; Rifat Kassis , YMCA East -Jerusalem, Israel; Adam Keller, Editor of the other Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel; Nicoles Kelliroi, archeologist ,university of Athens ,social aid Hellas ,Greece ;Hans Koschnik , former mayor of Bremen and EU-administrator of Mostar ;David Krieger, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Santa Barbara, USA; B.Lacatus, people of Sibiu for peace, Rumania; Prof. Ilse Lenz , Ruhr-university Bochum ,Germany; Rabbi Michael Lerner ,TIKKUN-magazine , California, USA ; pastor Heiko Lietz ,ecumenical network agenda 21 , Güstrow-Berlin ; Dr. Manfred Linz, Wuppertal-Institute, Germany; Dr. Dorothy Lux , Goethe-university , Frankfurt ;Thomas Magnusson , Swedish Peace Council, Sweden; Dieter Manecke , Ecumenical Institute Southwind ,Cologne- Germany; Jonathan Mark, noflybynews , California, USA; Lucinda Marshall, Feminist peace coalition, New York, USA; Ricardo Navarro, chair of friends of the earth international, El Salvador; Dr Katja Niethammer, Orient-institute ,Berlin ; Dr. Hermann Ott, Wuppertal-Institute, Germany; Marc -Oliver Pahl ,European federalists, Berlin, Germany; Lisa Paus ,Berlin-city council ; Dr. Deike Peters, city planning ,Technical University, Berlin ; Agneta Pleiijel,writer ,Stockholm,Sweden;Dr.Sebastian Pflugbeil ,former minister ,association for victims of lower radiation ,Berlin ; Julia Praetorius ,green leaves ,Bad Godesberg ,Germany;Eva Quistorp, former MEP, european women for peace , Berlin -Zürich -Prague-Krakau-Stockholm; Ernie Regehr, Plougshares, Canada; Soodhakur Ranslellah, action for justice and peace, Mauritius; Mathias Reichl ,info-center non-violence ,Bad Ischl, Austria ; Michel Rocard , former premier minister and mayor ,MEP, France; Prof.Peter Rohloff, Illinois-university, USA; Mycle Schneider ,world information service on energy, alternative nobel prize winner ,Paris ; Prof. J.Schneider, natural scientists for peace, Göttingen, Germany; Dr. Larisa Skuratovskaya, World Council of Churches, Moscow ; Alice Slater,Global research center for environment,New York ;Milan Smorz ,Eurosolar ,Prague ; Christian Staffa ,action reconciliation and peace -work , Berlin ; Mag.Peter Stania, International peace institute, Vienna, Austria; Friedrich Schorlemer , Protestant Academy Wittenberg, Germany;Heide Schütz,womenpeacenetwork, Bonn ,Germany ; Johanno Strasser, writer, Pencenter, Germany; Jeanne Betsock Stillman. Strategies for Development, Inc.,Hastings-on-Hudson, Dr. Svoboda, MEP, Austria; Anne Waldmann,wrtier,Jack Kerouas school,Naropa university,USA ;Thomas Widera,Hannah Arendt institute,Technical University Dresden; Silvia Tennenbaum, grandmothers for peace, USA ; pastor Rolf Thoma, protestant-academics Berlin-Brandenburg; Prof. John Turner,architect, city planner,alternative nobel prize winner, England; Dr .Reinhild Traitler, IRAS, European women's college, Switzerland Jakob von Uexkuell, rightlivelihood-award, Stockholm-London;Josep Xeravius ,co-ordinator of the UBUNTU-Forum ,Barcelona, Spain ; Prof. Manfred Zabel , social -ethics , Siegen-university , Germany ; Beate Zilversmid, Gush Schalom, Jerusalem-Tel Aviv, Israel; Tilman Zülch ,society for endangered people ,Goettingen ;Ricarda Buch, Feminist, Deutschland

Berlin declaration board :Eva Quistorp, international peace bureau, Berlin-Brussels; Mary Kaldor, peace researcher ,London-university ; Erhard Eppler, c/o int peace bureau, Geneva, Please mail your signature for the 10.-24.12. and then till 15.1.2003, Martin Luther King birthday and then 27.1. UN security council debate (IPB- meeting in Athens 2oo3, in Barcelona 2004 ( ) to Eva Quistorp:
